Roar: Tigers of the Sunderbans: How Not to Make a Film

14aug_Roar-Poster02For any of you who may have actually seen this film, my condolences. What the heck were you smoking when you decided to do this to yourself? Should have watched a Tusshar Kapoor movie marathon instead if you really wanted to torture yourself!

Tusshar-Kapoor-Anyway, coming to this film, since the trailer is the only thing I gathered the strength to watch, it seems to be a film about some random commando dude decides to go hunting in the Sundarbans because a white tigress killed his brother (a wildlife photographer) and he wants to avenge the death (the brother, for those interested, rescued the tigress’ cub and brought it to the village where he stayed; tigress came looking for her kid, lost it when she found it missing and snapped dead the dude who took her kid away). Yes, because hunting is legal in India.


And of course commando dude will recognise the exact tiger that killed his brother. Throw the whys and the hows and the what the hells out of the window. This film is written and directed by Kamal Sadanah.

Bekhudi_002Yes. That dude from that Kajol film. Yes, that very one. So shut up and don’t ask questions.

The soundtrack by John Stewart Eduri (who also composed music for Happy New Year. Boy! Talk about coming down in the world!) has three songs. And of these three, I chose to review … none! Because I can’t figure out the difference between them! It seems the director decided to go for a revolutionary new technique of cloning songs to focus on more important matters at hand, namely playing rock music for tigers who refuse to give a take without it (true story!). So much so that two of the songs even have the same lady in the same costume! Talk about cost cutting!

RoarAll three songs are absolutely identical triplets, featuring:

1) Ladies who do not like clothes much and like to either roll around in mud or run around in forests. Because this be the Sunderbans bro!

292) And then there are the CGI white and Royal Bengal tigers casually lounging around or leaping about the women.

12133) Aerial shots of the Sundarbans

874) And of course shots from the film.

3The same shots in each song.

5The same shots as the ones  shown in the trailer. I strongly suspect whether they have any other scenes in the film. Maybe it is like one of those exam answer sheets where since you don’t know the answer you write the same sentence over and over again to fill up space in the hope of that merciful one mark. I don’t know! Don’t ask me! I am NOT watching this film to find out!

1Lyrics by Irfan Siddiqui are quite blah and worth no mention. The company selling the music is called … wait for it … Biscoot Music! Achhe se doobaya ye toh (dunked well)!

Watch at your own risk!


NOT Super Commando Dhruv
CGI tigers that suck balls in comparison to Richard Parker
Other miscellaneous CGI fauna: snakes, crocodiles and shit
A dozen folks acting like actors
Ladies pretending to be Tomb Raider ki Angelina Jolie or Warrior Princess Xena

116And last but not least, Director who should have stayed in retirement.

P.S. Background score by Resul Pookutty. What a waste! Tsk tsk.